Re-Villaging Women’s cirlce
This FREE, monthly gathering is open to all women in the Aberdeen area, pregnant or not (nursing babies and non-crawlers welcome). The focus is rebuilding our village through connections of mothers and maidens. Those who are not pregnant are there to witness, hold space and give care - your role in this ceremony is vital.
Re-Villaging Women’s Circle
“In this ceremony we gather around the pregnant mothers, no matter where they plan to birth, how they plan to birth or with whom they plan to birth. We gather around them because they carry the future of our species. We shower them with our finest foods and make them a place of honor. We oil their feet and tell them positive birth stories. Birth stories that are starting to sound like myths and miracles. We hold the sacred space and we listen. We don’t solve the problem. We don’t let any professional hat crown the head of anyone present. We are wimyn together in this great mystery. We laugh and play and talk to baby. We make a circle and sing the power songs around her. We bless her. We feast. They are the Holy Mothers. They deserve our best. We are returning birth back to the community. Back into the hands and hearts of those who are the tribe of her belonging.” - Sister Morning Star on the Village Prenatal
Ceremony Flow + Agreements
Ceremony Flow:
Opening Remarks and Agreements
Opening Song
Story Share 1: Describe in detail your dream birth. - “May it be so”
Group Meditation
Story Share 2: Most present fear around your birth in this current moment. - “We are here for you”
Positive Birth Story Share
Mamma Worship: Massage, Belly Painting, Listening and Feeling
Ceremony Agreements:
No Hierarchy: In this space we are all equally divine and sovereign. We leave our titles and occupations at the door and show up
No Self Promotion: we understand that many women in attendance may provide services to birthing women. We appreciate you for walking this path but in order to preserve the sanctity of the space we ask that no advertising or soliciting take place at the event. Relationship building is encouraged and we hope to see many women building connections in this space that extend outside the container.
No Medical Talk: We honor all women’s choices and experiences of birth. This space is for dreaming, nurturing and expanding mamas. For that reason we ask that you leave medical pathology and traumatic birth stories at the door.
Spaceholders (Non-Pregnant Women) your role in this ceremony is vital. It is you who serves as the grounding presence and witnesses for the mothers-to-be. Please show up with clear energy and open hearts in the spirit of service. Offerings of shareable snacks and treats or tokens are greatly appreciated.
Mothers-to-be all we ask of you is that you arrive ready to receive and be loved on. This is an invitation for you to allow your village to nurture and nourish you in whatever way you need.