Benefits of Consuming your placenta:
Reduction of postpartum hemorrhage
Protection from ill effects of placental cells that may remain in uterus after birth
Immunological advantages
Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends
Stabilizes your ever-changing hormones post birth
Replenishes your B vitamins and energy that is used during the birthing process
Helps prevent and lessen the risk of postpartum depression or ‘baby blues’
Reduces the mother's pain after childbirth
Increases effectiveness of mother-infant bonding
Replenishes your iron from blood loss during birth and helps prevent postpartum anemia
Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply

“Imagine a world in which every human is born with an intact capacity to love.” – Robin Lim
the art of placentophagy.
Placentophagia is the process of a new mother consuming her placenta postpartum by either eating the placenta raw, cooked, in capsule form or drinking the juices from the placenta once it is cooked. This is not an issue for vegan mothers because nothing was harmed to bring about the organ meat for consumption.
“The placenta, the root of your origin, is a miraculous organ that shares and protects your life. Your placenta is genetically identical to you. Though you share some of your parents' genetic identity, unless you have an identical twin, no one, except your placenta, has ever been so perfectly, exactly you. Sexual reproduction, the act of creating new life, only works because of the placenta. Historically, our creation stories tell of the Earth Mother birthing the world: her amniotic fluid became the oceans, the placenta became the Tree of Life. This demonstrates how essential the placenta is to our survival and how embedded it is in our psyche.” - Robin Lim
Chakra – Apara: Placenta - origin -EPIPHANY - hormone bed/ cord - bridge spirit/ matter conduit -RED, INDIGO, VIOLET, CRYSTAL unity/ separation, mother/ child matrix.
Chakra – Apara: Placenta - origin -EPIPHANY - hormone bed/ cord - bridge spirit/ matter conduit -RED, INDIGO, VIOLET, CRYSTAL unity/ separation, mother/ child matrix.
Placenta encapsulation specialist offerings
Placenta Encapsulation:
The Raw Foods Method of placenta encapsulation; this process skips the steaming or heating process altogether.
The non Raw Foods Method of preparing the placenta involves steaming the placenta gently by itself or with ginger; putting ginger in with the placenta adds a warming aspect. Heating the placenta with ginger encourages the uterus to shrink and seal, blood to flow to the areas of the body that need healed and Qi to replenish.
Raw Placenta Smoothies:
Utilizing the placenta, raw, directly after birth is becoming an extremely popular and important step in a new mothers postpartum healing. Using different variations of regular green or fruit smoothies, it can lend the mother the immediate benefits of placental consumption while she waits for her capsules. Taking raw placenta directly after birthing is a great alternative to pharmaceutical means of controlling bleeding.
Placenta Tinctures:
There are other ways to reap the physical benefits from the placenta besides capsule form. I make a long-lasting tincture from the placenta. Tinctures are an excellent alternative to get longevity from the placenta.
Mother tea, soup, and balm:
Herbal liquid after steaming the placenta and Black Salve is touted to be beneficial in many ways. Its primary use is its ability to absorb toxins.
Placenta keepsakes:
Long after the pills are gone, the baby and you have healed, you may still want to remember your postpartum experience. Placenta prints are the perfect way to complete the cycle.